02 January, 2019

Patching Near and Far. Part 1, In The Rain

In which I get rained and drizzled on a lot, cover a not inconsiderable amount of ground [as is right and proper], and try photographing sea ducks again...

Oh dear.

Yes, this is Part 1, posted after Part 2. This due to these events being earlier chronologically.

[Sense...?? What's that???]

Due to aforementioned temporal issues, I'm going to cut this far shorter than planned [stop cheering] and simply give a brief account and then unleash put up a few pics.

It was raining sideways gunk to light rain, but I had a plan, and indeed a desire to beat a bound - Paignton Pier being the SE limit of the patch, so it needs visiting now and again. Yes, I do mean on foot. The whole thing was only ten miles or so, and only one serious hill, so not that bad, even with a scope in a bag.

The weather played Old Harry with my camera, as usual, but I managed to get a few things, though the vis was so awful, and other issues so annoying, that my secret plan to get a shot of the Surfer went right out the window. Still, there were Eider definitely in Patch bounds, so they needed shooting. Also, I've only got awful black and white blobs of them before, so a half-decent shot would be worth taking.

I duly found the Eider, but so did a BLEEEEP on a jet ski, and then a paddle boarder went right at them and flushed them way way off...

I also found a few other nice birds, some even Patch yearticks, and the legs got a much-needed stretching, so it wasn't a waste of time by any means.

Right, imaginary images;

The Scene.
[Vis only got worse...]

Not that Grey Herons ever look cheerful

"Got any sammiches?"

2w Med Gull


Well, some Eider, in sort of focus.

"Er.. Did I do that??"

Caw, what a poser

A perambulation or two also ventured into similar weather the next day. More pics;

Ho Ho Ho

All atmospheric

Yes, Violets are in bloom

Not just them, either

Wasn't that worth the wait?

Still to come; another Patch Post, a wander around and around in the mistyfog up on t' Moor, and maybe even eventually stuff from this year? [Could it be? No, we don't believe it].
Oh, and a Fungus Special. Because those things are far easier to take pretty pictures of than to ID...

Be Seeing You...

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