25 September, 2019

Fungusworthy II : Pt. 1, Russula's Revenge

Oh yeah, he's going for the Z-movie stuff again...

So, with my absolute last day before the Grind resumed, what was I to do? No super fancy birds in range, it's a weekend and the forecast is mounting cloud and maybe even some dizzle..

I know, let's go back to Fernworthy, seeing as how we've seen all these funguses whilst out and about recently!

Just a nice amble across t'Moor [to stretch the legs], into the plantation, and wander about for a while under leaden skies, with nice flat light for fungtography.. [groan]

As you will be unamazed to learn, the forecasters lied again. Blazing sunshine. Heat. It was like early August in there. Matters were not helped by my flask deciding this was the time to implode*. Inside my rucksack. Joy. Still, I rescued what I could and it could have been worse.

But enough of this, you want pictures of fungi and are expecting Russulae. Good thing I found a few, eh?
NOTE: As of posting, some - ok quite a few - of the pics aren't ID'd properly or at all. I will try to get to them, but this has been going on too long as it is and I still have the second part of this AND the other stuff from since then and.. Yeah getting on with it.

This post is mostly fruiting bodies; I'll burble and show other things [which were in places quite good] in Pt.2, Moving Targets...

And so;

The Sickener!

Now, the usual high standard of specimens you've come to expect from me will be a bit - ok a lot - lacking, as the slugs [and more] had been at nigh everything russulic. Especially the scarcer ones!

Bitter Almond Brittlegill

This under conifers, but with broadleaves close by [you've got to love Fernworthy for this; huge variety of spp. and environments. I'm not going to go on about my opposition to the crusade against conifers fashionable at the moment in 'conservation' circles - oh wait, this is, isn't it? - but desert this place is far from]

Stinking Brittlegill

Looks like a Dapperling sp., but dark gills show this is a very well-scaled
Golden Scalycap

Conifer Tuft

Sulphur Tuft
[note differences]

Brick Tuft
[and again]

Yellow Stagshorn

Ochre Brittlegill

R. subfoetens?

 R. aquosa?

Clustered Toughshank

Bloody Brittlegill

I think this is a very old
Chicken of the Woods

Inocybe sp.

I know this one..

Fly Agaric

Big change in agaric numbers - after hordes last year, this is the only one I found!

Alike spp. 2;
a) Panther Cap

b) Grey Spotted Amanita

I also found The Blusher there, but the photo I took seems to have been accidentally erased.. Drat!

For those feeling brave, Panthers have white volvas - usually something left of it [you can see it catching the light up there] - Grey Spots don't have one, also they have striations on their rings [which are white like Panther, whose rings aren't striated]. The cap spots are supposed to be white on Panther and [duh] grey on Grey, but peaty soil for one thing means you can't trust that...
The Blusher, well, blushes when damaged. Greys are allegedly edible, but, well, how brave are you when you know Panthers grow there [and in sight of the Greys], too?? [Yes, you can eat Blusher, if you discard the poisoned water you cooked it in... Hmm]

H. reidii?

Slippery Jack


moss-growing sp.

Ivory Funnel

Birch Brittlegill

Soapy Knight and 
- my only shot of them due to
'technical issues' - 
Beech Sickeners

Soapy Knight [slightly less eaten ones]

Shield Pinkgill

Milkcap sp.

Mosaic Puffball

I have no idea...

Possibly Clustered Toughshank

Parasitic sp.? growing on...??

Fungi, plural

Someone's been having a look
[these are the above]

And the right way up,
they are Wood Woollyfoot

[yes, really!]

Entoloma conferendum, I think

Conocybe tenera

Aniseed Funnel


Orange Grisette
[beautiful mushroom callously kicked over..]

Fiery Milkcap

Leopard Earthball

Brittlestem sp.

Butter Waxcap
[very dark one]

Velvet Shank

Inocybe sp.
probably I. sindonia

Common Puffball

Poisonpie family

Pale Honey Fungus?

Root Rot

Humpback Brittlegill?
[Glorious to look at, metallic purple!]

Primrose Brittlegill

Posed by another interested party;
I think it's Lilac Mushroom

R. nitida 
[note relatively widely spaced gills so not
 R. sardonia, though could be R. turci ].

Finally, [yes, finally, it's been a long one, hasn't it?] let us step outside onto the Moor, where a few spp. were of interest;

Bell-shaped Mottlegill

It's everywhere, this is a very dark handsome one;
The Deceiver

And finally!

Because it's been a trip

Ba-dum tsch!


I practise TOPLOF, so even that Chanterelle was left behind [there was only one, so it would be downright wrong to remove it].

Coming up, a second post where you see everything else. This includes scenery, mobile life forms, and possibly the odd small rant.

Be Seeing You...

[[*Vacuum flasks implode when they fail. Sounds more spectacular than it is, usually - ok one time I got coffee on my ceiling when one went as it was being filled - and usually means mess and a lovely drink / broken glass mixture inside the case. This happens more often nowadays due to shoddy design and corner-cutting by even brands as 'reputable' as Thermos. Named and shamed for repeated incidents. Not good enough.]]

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