09 March, 2021

More Of Not The Same

Still waiting on those Wheatears.

In the mean time, here's someone I found singing away at the Nose;


With Important Things to do, I've been getting there later than may be considered ideal, though as Wheatears tend to arrive from mid-morning [and I've sat and watched them come in/off late afternoon!], not exactly awful.

Sunday saw me slightly less late, and so I met assorted members of the Usual Suspects [who know who they are :) ] and spent ::ashamed coff:: more time nattering [in a socially distanced way, of course] than looking for birds... Oh dear.

[Ok, technically we were looking out for birds while nattering, so maybe not that bad. ::puts the Shame Bell away::]

Anyways, fruits of labours were very thin on the ground on Saturday in particular, though Sunday gave a couple of GNDs and a Razorbill on the sea. 
This little lady has been much in evidence;


"I didn't do that."

Also in evidence there was this poseur...

"Ru's got nothin' on me, dahling"

Meanwhile, over there....

Buff-tailed Bumblebee!

Rainforest escapee

In case you were wondering what was going on at Home, my skygarden is overflowing with as many as a half dozen tits at a time. [I'm sure there's a funnier pun around that somewhere...] Blue, Coal, Long-tailed, and Great, indeed. Greenfinches [no more than 2 at once and very flighty], Blackbirds, too. No further sign of Blackcap, and no sightings of tree spp. [like Nuthatch.... or even the Treeeeeeecreeeeeper.... ], though of course that doesn't mean there's none coming in.
Tawnys keep their vocal nocturnal mayhem, at least 3 males hooting away as recently as last night*

Though I finish this on Tuesday, [and no, still no Wheatears, and with the shift in weather no likelihood of any any time soon..], 'tis only about events up to the end of the weekend. Yes, more has happened, though how much you get to see I have yet to decide. Regardless, you do have some pretty pictures coming, though.

Upon that ponder, I shall

Be Seeing You...

[[* For a given value of 'last'... ;) ]]

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