07 March, 2021

The Turn Of The Year

Let's see, where are we....?

Yet more nonsense from the Patch, slight variation of activity, oh and actual year ticks woo.



Different white stuff on the trees  :)

Where to start? [After that lovely sight up there, lots of Almond blossom about now]. Hmm?

Whelp, an afternoon visit to the Nose on Monday saw me find 3 GNDs; two off the Ore Stone and one off the Lead Stone. No Wheatears. Possibly migrants, possibly just wandering around, were a couple of flyover Crossbills - score - which brightened things quite considerably. :)

GND, Lead Stone channel
[look at that bonce!]

The day before, an amble with the Folks [inside our bubble] up about the quietest part of the Patch [upper Ilsham, amongst the Rich Gits] gave us a very nice stroll, though it was a pity we had to return to our [bubbled-wise] property to have coffee and a flapjack.. But soon, that will change!*

Even the Violence are fancier up there.

What was notable were the Chiffchaffs. These have been very thin on the ground this winter, but I had four, including two in as many hundred yards [and I'm pretty sure it was two, not one very quick one]. Not that birds going inland and hiding in rich peoples' masssssssive gardens is a new phenomenon, of course...
Also notable, how much nicer the grassy verges are when there aren't ten meeeellion peoples wandering about over them. [Also, they're just nicer.. ]. You get more and more kinds of pretty little flowers. Like the Violets up there, and indeed these;

Lesser Celandine

Musk Storksbill

Mouse-ear Hawkweed

After we had parted ways, another, even better surprise than the Chiffs was a Home Tick. None other than a Treecreeper!! Wooooooooooo.  :D
Right out there ::points out kitchen window::, calling and everything [I'd not have noticed it if it had been quiet]. Treecreeper is not that easy in these here parts, especially now the best spot on Patch has turned into a giant building site... :/

Your next missive from The Patch will [hopefully] contain a certain little bird with a very pale posterior.



Might happen.

Be Seeing You...

[[* FYI, according to the email our Dear Leader sent, the 8th is 'No travelling but you can nicpic in your local area with your household/bubble' and 29th is 'You may nicpic with one other household {rule of 6}, travel allowed {yeeeeeeeehaaaah!!!} but day tripping only; the further you go the more likely the police will decide they don't like you'. Social distancing etc. still applies. {Up on, say Dartmoor, this is rather easy!} ]]

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