Two days, two visits. Saturday afternoon to dusk and Sunday morning from not-quite-first-thing-due-to-night-shift...
In common; a frisky to stiff North-westerly wind, veering between North and near West at times [just to be annoying]. Sunshine and the odd cloud. A marked paucity of onshore birds being visible [funny that], or indeed offshore birds being proximal.
But I did get the odd picture;
Sandpiper Purple
One of three I snuck up on, on Sunday morning. [I left them alone after getting that; the bird in question having given me the eye in 'You're not going to make me fly in this wind, are you..?' style.]
Star bird of the weekend I didn't manage to sneak up on at all, as a Golden Plover [!!] present at dusk on the end of the Nose on Saturday was flushed by a ridiculously late dog walker, who climbed down onto the rocks with a little Scottie especially for the purpose..
Ok, that's how it seemed to me, as I heard the call [and took a while to process it, GP is not a regular Nose species, and out of context calls are always fun*] and after remembering what it was, and not seeing anything - bird of course went north - cursed royally. IF I'd got there first I'd have had a chance of at least a grainy first photo for Nose.. Oh well.
At least my fruitless scanning got me on a passing diver sp. - though that is only a 'throated' as it looked interesting but vanished as I grabbed the camera - heading south.
Also only a 'sp.' was the light morph skua, going north waaaaay out on Sunday. Quite possibly the Pom the Teacher had had the day before, but just too far in the heat haze and spray [yes, really] to be sure, even through the Big Scope.
Random flying bird,
AKA a Gannet
Grounded migrant!
Ok, it's a Meadow Pipit...
Though from that photo, just for a moment, you might wonder..! [Love the grass blade, almost perfectly placed!]
Coming up, things I could photo.
Yep, you know what I mean.
Be Seeing You...
[[* The next day up on Dartmoor, said call was obvious... Cue coments about expectations and so on. ]]
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