08 January, 2022


Legally required Year Review / Highlights / Wotsit Post.
[[I've been over this a few times and have finally decided.. Well, I can't put up my exact thoughts but you probably can guess the gist.    So, here's a token effort. If you'd like more details, feel free to archive binge. Go on, you know you want to. Surprisingly few horrid gull pics in 2021, you know... ::Nods encouragingly:: ]]

Well, 2021 largely went to CENSORED

But there were some good bits, largely bird-related.

Starting as I'd hoped it would go on, with the ongoing Glonk at the Nose. Superstar of a bird, with that lovely LTD for company.
And speaking of white-wingers, finding two in a week at the Nose at the end of December - even if nobody not there at the moment saw them... -  was quite something. 

Then, ah then we had that Mockingbird.
You know, the one I twitched on the first day it was legal to do so [by which time almost everyone else had..... Naughty*.]

A certain River Warbler stands out, as does its spectacular supporting cast [and I don't just mean our Recorder actually twitching something away from the Warren.!]. Proper twitching, just like in The Olden Dayes.

That Hen Harrier [any Hen Harrier].

Chasing a Partch Yearlist and falling just short of a nice number. Yes, I ended up with 149.
[This is a spoiler, as I still haven't finished last year's posts yet... I am a poor blogger and unrepentant.]

But I think the single best moment of the year was those few seconds on an un-named area of Dartmoor, when I met a Red Grouse and her adorable fluffballs chicks. Close enough to pick up, if I were that irresponsible.
You could express joy and relief that they're still breeding up there. You could nod and say something like 'time in the field'. You could give fervent thanks to whichever deity you believe in [Science counts, btw, atheists ;) ]. **  But I think the best response is simply  "Awwwwww...."

And on that best of notes I shall

Be Seeing You...

[[* Opinions on lockdown-breakers removed. I'm sure you can guess.]]
[[** You could go 'Oh why not in a year when I'm chasing Devon..???'    Ahem. ]]

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