15 June, 2021

We're Going On a Bug Hunt... Pt.1; Madness Is In the Eye Of the Psychiatrist

With all manner of Real World issues [both sane and really really not] getting in the way of my proper business of chasing wildlife, I only had Sunday to play with. [Ok, I did joyously count no less than 8 Swift low about here on Saturday - could we be up to 4 pairs??* I am hopeful.]

I got going fairly early, not that it mattered much as even if I'd got to the Nose at first light, there were ten tents set up in the Quarry. Yes, TEN. I have a photo if you don't believe me. Nice big fire going, too. [Council does nothing, as per]


I carried on anyway, because that's what you do - not expecting anything sulphurous, of course - but you have to check. [[That's determined, or dedicated, not craaaaazy, btw]] 
I got well bitten by assorted flora - it has been two weeks, so a metre's growth is not that surprising... - for no unexpected birds. Only one Whitethroat singing - had been hoping two or even three would get along - but the auks offshore seem to be doing ok. I did get a first for year which even posed for me, so here's something pretty;

Common Blue

Not too shabby.

Offshore, another pleasant surprise

HMS Prince of Wales

She turned into the wind, but despite waiting with baited breath [and poised camera] didn't launch anything. Oh well, I'll get F35 eventually!

More scenic views;

I mentioned insects, didn't I?

There were a few about

Yellow Shell

Broad-thighed Beetle [male]
on Hawkbit

Females are more svelte

Those Frenchies still can't find him...

Mr. Kestrel

It got very hot, very fast, and I had places to go and insects to hunt, oh yes.

Coming up, we see what happens when you know where to go and manage to do so at the right time, for once...

In the mean time, I shall 

Be Seeing You...

[[* Yes, a whole four pairs in prime habitat. Ok, what WAS prime habitat before almost all nest sites were destroyed by home 'improvements'... FFS ]]

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